FCC Medio Ambiente
> Activities
> Waste Treatment and Resource Recycling
Waste treatment and resource recycling
Urban waste recycling and treatment
FCC Medio Ambiente manages 24.7 million tonnes of waste and produces 4.9 million tonnes of secondary raw materials (SRM) and refuse-derived fuel (RDF). The company boasts over 800 operational waste management facilities, out of which close to 220 are environmental compounds carrying out waste management and recycling.
FCC Medio Ambiente's philosophy is based on treating waste as a resource, reusing and recycling it as much as possible and taking advantage of the energy in waste, when this is feasible.
FCC Medio Ambiente operates the most extensive and varied range of treatment plants in the world, including various types of mechanical recycling, composting, biomethanisation and value recovery systems. In many locations many different technologies are combined to ensure that the resources in the waste are as much recovered as possible. Close to 90 landfills receive the remaining waste and FCC Medio Ambiente captures the generated biogas and installs wind turbines so energy can be extracted from these landfills.