Project nºZL-2024/00556

FCC Medio Ambiente is leading the RSU4HOM project "Development of new construction products from the recovery of municipal solid waste incineration slag", co-financed by the Basque Country's HAZITEK 2022 - Business R&D support programme.  

This project aims to minimise the environmental impact generated by the deposition of slag from the incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfill sites. To achieve this, the objective is to recover this waste and integrate it as aggregate for the manufacture of construction products (concrete, mortar and precast concrete). 

In order to develop a process of functional adaptation of the slag from two plants in Zubieta (Gipuzkoa), by means of prototype tests at laboratory level, the aim is to chemically and functionally characterise the slag and carry out a final validation on concrete products whose composition is suitable for the final use they'll be given.

The project is planned to last 30 months, starting in July 2022, with an expected end date of December 2024.