Incorpora Project
FCC Environment and Obra Social "la Caixa" maintain a collaboration agreement to promote the employability of people at risk of social exclusion through the Incorpora programme, promoted by the aforementioned financial institution, which aims to increase the hiring of vulnerable groups, as well as to provide information, training and advice to companies involved in this action.
Jordi Payet, CEO of FCC Medio Ambiente and Marc Simón, Deputy CEO of the "la Caixa" Foundation sign the collaboration agreement
Within the framework of this agreement, FCC undertakes to manage the hiring people at risk of exclusion through Incorpora. Through the programme, the company will announce which professional profiles need to be covered; this information will be shared with other social entities that also pertain to the programme and who will draw up a short list of candidates.

Evolution of the number of labour insertion entities and FCC's membership agreement to join the Incorpora Programme
his programme boasts a network of 459 social entities, grouped territorially into 22 Incorpora groups managed in coordination. Collaborative networking is key to both efficiency and effectiveness by responding to the needs of companies and people.