More than 110 years delivering services to cities
For 110 years the Environmental Services area of the FCC Group has provided municipal and end-to-end waste management services for over 67 million people in 5,400 municipalities. At present, it provides municipal services throughout Spain and other countries in Europe and America, through: FCC Medio Ambiente (Spain), FCC Environnement (France), FCC Environment (Portugal), FCC Ámbito, FCC Environment (UK), FCC Environment (CEE) and FCC Environmental Services (USA).
The assets of the FCC Group's environmental area are owned by “FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding, S.A.U.”, which in turn is 75.01% owned by “Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S. A.” and 24.99% owned by CPP Investments.
It boasts over a century of experience and this is reflected in the variety of services provided: collection, treatment, recycling, energy recovery and disposal of solid urban waste; public street cleansing; maintenance of sewage networks; parks and ground maintenance; facility management; treatment and disposal of industrial waste; and recovery of polluted soil.
FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding S.A.U, which backbones the Environmental Services activities, is structured into four geographical divisions:
- Atlantic: FCC Medio Ambiente (Spain), FCC Environnement (France), FCC Environment (Portugal) and FCC Ámbito (Industrial Waste)
- United Kingdom: FCC Environment UK
- Central and Eastern Europe: FCC Environment CEE
- USA: FCC Environmental Services
FCC Medio Ambiente is committed to technological innovation in order to improve the well-being of citizens and make cities increasingly sustainable. The company owns the most advanced fleet of vehicles in the world, equipped with the most innovative systems: close to 20,000 vehicles out of which 3,645 units are equipped with a sustainable propulsion system including electric, hybrid and natural gas engines.
A company committed to improving the well-being of citizens
Our company has an unwavering commitment to the environment, always at the service of citizens.