Funding Plan Moves II for the implementation of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure
FCC Medio Ambiente has received a funding from the Moves II Programme of Incentives for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility for the installation of an electric vehicle recharging point at the company's facilities on the Castellón road in Zaragoza. This has achieved lower CO2 emissions in the vehicles used for the contract, an objective that has been effectively fulfilled.
The Moves II Programme of Incentives for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility was approved by the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, in Spanish), on 16 July by Royal Decree 569/2020.
It is targeted at encouraging the purchase of alternative vehicles, installing electric vehicle recharging infrastructures, implementing electric bicycle loan systems and implementing sustainable mobility measures for work.
The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving is the competent body for the coordination and monitoring of this programme.
This line of aid is financed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The actions that are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), "A Way of Making Europe", are those detailed in article 7.2 of the regulatory bases. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the main financial instruments of European cohesion policy. Its objective is to contribute to reducing disparities between the levels of development of European regions and to improve the standard of living in the less favoured regions. Particular attention is paid to regions suffering from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps, such as the northernmost regions, which are sparsely populated, and island, cross-border and mountain regions.
In the Autonomous Community of Aragon, the Moves II Programme is implemented through a call for aid for actions to support mobility based on criteria of energy efficiency, sustainability and promotion of the use of alternative energies, including the provision of adequate electric vehicle charging infrastructures.