FCC Medio Ambiente is participating in the ‘Transformation of lignocellulosic waste into bioproducts for application in infrastructure and green area maintenance’ project, led by Layna Group in the context of Public-Private Partnership Projects 2022.

The project aims to develop new experiences in the field of pyrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to generate three cutting-edge bioproducts: biochar, biobitumen and wood vinegar for road infrastructure maintenance (wood vinegar as a herbicide and biobitumen in pavement repairs) and in the maintenance of green areas (wood vinegar and biochar as an organic amendment).  

The three bioproducts to be obtained also present interesting possibilities to achieve the valorisation of lignocellulosic waste and the reduction of the carbon footprint of the management processes of this waste. Therefore, the project seeks to assess the effectiveness and verify the technical and environmental viability of the application of bioproducts obtained from woody waste and their marketability and market study.

BIOPROLIGNO seeks to demonstrate the effectiveness in real application experiences of these three advanced bioproducts from the pyrolysis transformation of lignocellulosic waste. The bioproducts will be obtained by thermochemical processes using microwave-supported pyrolysis of woody waste from the maintenance of urban areas (pruning and cleaning). To achieve this, FCC Medio Ambiente has the extensive experience and studies of the University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH), a leading infrastructure maintenance company (MATINSA) and a company that has pyrolysis technology at industrial level (LAYNA).

The project has a duration of 3 years and one month, starting in December 2023 and is expected to end in November 2026. It is funded by the State Research Agency, within the Public-Private Partnership 2022 programme.