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Welcome to FCC Environment job opportunities portal!
You are so much more than your title. You are part of a world leader in environmental services, with well-defined objectives committing to technological innovation, development of people, a free working environment supportive of diversity and equal opportunities and green growth and the fight against climate change.
How do we find our talent?
- Our corporate website is synchronised with the Infojobs/ePreselec portal and you will be able to upload your CV, creating or using your Infojobs account.
- We have job search sources: agreements with universities, social networks, job exchanges, forums and recruitment fairs specialising in the industry, organisations and foundations, among other things.
- We promote internal mobility, between businesses and countries, publishing available vacancies on the organisation's intranet.
- We have a Talent Internationalisation Plan to attract and retain talents suited to this new strategic vision, such as the International Young Engineers Programme, in which for six and nine months they receive practical training in national and international projects and at the end of the programme they participate in an evaluation and selection programme to give them the opportunity to fill certain positions in the Company.
We currently have a database of 105,568 registered candidates.