Project nºZL-2024/00755
Valorisation of slag from MSW incineration
FCC Medio Ambiente participates in the ECO2D4.0 project (ZL-2024/00755 ECO2D4.0)"Development of integral road surface solutions using priority waste from the Basque Country and an ecosystem for the functional and environmental monitoring of road infrastructures".
Project led by Cycasa and co-financed by the HAZITEK 2023 - the Basque Country Business R&D support programme. Its main objective is to research new applications for waste management in the Basque Country; in particular, those cases where there are few ways of recovery, such as ferrosite, incineration slag and foundry sands, although milling waste (RCD) and black slag are also included.
New digitalised ECO-road products will be developed, analysing the technical and market feasibility of using different waste streams in the Basque Country as secondary aggregate in the dimensioning of pavements, developing sustainable layer solutions with the best synergies between materials, designing complete pavement sections for the most common scenarios, and undertaking the necessary actions in upstream and/or recovery processes to ensure compliance with functional and environmental specifications in all phases of development: raw materials, layer solutions and integral pavements in a real environment.