Contact form

Form description

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Por favor introduzca un correo valido
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Basic information on data protection

FCC Medio Ambiente, S.A.U., with CIF A28541639, as data controller, informs you that we will process the information you provide us with in order to respond to requests or queries for information, suggestions and queries of various kinds that you make through the form. We also inform you that, where appropriate, we may communicate your data to other entities belonging to the FCC Group, subsidiaries and investees, as well as third parties with which it has signed collaboration agreements. Finally, we inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability, as explained in the additional information we have made available to you in our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.

You must read and accept the information regarding the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy
  • Main Office (Madrid)
    Avda. Camino de Santiago, 40 28050, Madrid
    Tel. +34 913 595 400
  • Shareholder Services Office
    Avda. Camino de Santiago, 40 28050 Madrid
  • Purchasing
    Avda. Camino de Santiago, 40 28050 Madrid