B-FERST (Bio-based fertilising products as the best practice for agricultural management sustainability)
It is a project financed by the Public-Private Association Bio-Based Industries (BBI JV), led by FERTIBERIA and which, in addition to FCC Medio Ambiente, the following also partake: Aqualia, University of León, Novamont Spa, FKuR, Kunststoff GmbH, AgriSat Iberia SL, VITO (Vlaamse lnstelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek), Ag Futura Technologies, IUNG (lnstytut Uprawy Nawożenia I Gleboznawstwa) and Arcadia International.
The main goal of B-FERST is to integrate the recovery of bio-waste into agriculture by creating new bio-based circular economy value chains coming from municipal solid waste and the agricultural industrial sector and aimed at producing mineral and organomineral fertilisers and developing the nutrient mixture suitable for its use. The objective is to change the traditional value chain of fertiliser production. To achieve this, the sector must evolve from a linear manufacturing system to a lean manufacturing system based on the circular economy that will be developed in B-FERST. The new fertilisers will be produced in a 1t / h capacity demonstration plant through nutrient (N and P) recovery processes and granulation and addition of bio-stimulants. Ash streams, sewage sludge, struvite and municipal waste compost will be used.
Project Official Website: www.bferst.eu