ARSI (Aerial Robot for Sewer Inspection)
Within the framework of the European project Echord++ (European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development), FCC Environment, together with other companies, participates in the ARSI consortium (Aerial Robot for Sewer Inspection), which develops an innovative automatic micro aerial vehicle (DRONE), equipped with multiple sensors, which will streamline, facilitate and improve the tasks of inspecting the sewers in Barcelona.
ARSI: Operator’s View - Mapping and support applications
ARSI in full flight in a gallery that can be visited.
The 3rd phase of the ARSI project was completed in 2018. Emphasis has been placed on the processing of images collected by the drone flight and the automatic detection of structural defects in the pipes, as well as on integrating GIS in programming inspection itineraries. FCC will continue working with the EURECAT Technology Centre in Barcelona to reach a level of development of the platform compatible with industrial production and to be able to carry out inspection tasks in the production line within the Barcelona sewer contract
Video introduction to FCC’s ARSI project
Latest news from the FCC ARSI project