2030 Agenda and SDG
FCC Environment offers a series of principles that underpin our integrated and integrative management model, with local goals and priorities inscribed within a framework of global challenges that dictate our path towards green growth. Following the strategic lines set out by the Group's CSR Policy and 2020 Plan, FCC Environment has defined its goals and priorities as regards sustainability in order to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
The prioritised SDGs, as shown in the figure below, will improve:
- Human development (generation of talents; diversity and equal opportunities, occupational safety and health, social inclusion).
- Green growth and the fight against climate change (efficient use of resources, technological innovation, low-C processes and services, circular economy, protection of biodiversity)
- Work environment (fight against corruption, peace and social stability, quality and transparency in the value chain)
- Public-private partnership and opening up to the third sector