FCC ámbito provides clients with integrated waste-handling services, from internal logistics to the conditioning and management of clean points and waste storage sites. As experts in integrated services, we take charge of the waste right from the moment it is generated, so that all our clients can focus on their production activities.
The driving factors for all our logistics services are environmental optimisation and efficiency. We explore every option, supported by information technology, in order to optimise loads and reduce transport, as this is the best way to reduce the carbon footprint of what we do and increase our clients’ productivity.
Before our services begin, the containerisation needs at each clean point are analysed. This ensures the resources that we provide are adapted to each client’s circumstances. In the design of optimal solutions we take into account not only any circumstances that our clients report to us, but also factors such as the volume of waste generated, the maximum storage periods permitted by law, the availability of space, and optimisation of means of transport used for removal.
The experience and training of our personnel assigned to industrial facilities and commercial premises ensures that waste is stored under adequate conditions of hygiene and safety, as required under the relevant legislation. As a result, waste is separated and conditioned in such a way as to cut treatment costs or, as the case may be, secure the maximum value for the waste, avoiding mixing different types of waste and the appearance of any elements that might hinder its treatment or reduce its value.
We take care of all transport needs and to ensure proximity to our customers we have a modern fleet of our own vehicles, complemented by agreements with local partners.