Owing to new legal requirements for the confidentiality of information, making new working methods necessary in order to assure the destruction of any “sensitive” information, FCC Ámbito has certified both of its plants where this service is provided (Marepa–Alcorcón and FCC Ámbito–San Feliú).
In accordance with this commitment towards our clients, MAREPA was granted the first certificate to be issued by AENOR based on the standard UNE: EN 15713, certifying the service provided for “Confidential and Safe Document Destruction”.
This certification ensures that the confidential destruction of any kind of information is carried out in accordance with a set of requirements and security measures, both during transport and during the destruction process itself, assuring a level of disintegration that means that the information is indecipherable, and thus compliant with the relevant European legislation and standards.
FCC ámbito San Feliu: