Navantia once again entrusts FCC Ámbito with the waste management at its shipyards in Cádiz

FCC Ámbito, leader in the management of industrial waste, soil decontamination and recovery of by-products, has renewed the integral waste management contract of Navantia, the prestigious Spanish company specialising in the construction of high-tech military and civilian vessels. The contract, which FCC Ámbito has been providing since 2019, aims to comprehensively manage the waste generated at the four shipyards that Navantia has in the province of Cádiz, located in the cities of Cádiz, Puerto Real, San Fernando and Rota.
FCC Ámbito will be responsible for the management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, from its reception and classification to its preparation for dispatch to the final treatment facilities. The contract also includes the maintenance operations of the different intermediate recycling centres at each of the facilities.
One of the most important factors in the award was the proposal to recover a high percentage of the waste presented by FCC Ámbito, in line with its commitment to the circular economy and care for the environment through the development and prioritisation of recycling solutions and the use of the resources contained in the waste. This proposal is also part of the environmental and excellence axes of FCC Environment's Sustainability Strategy 2050 (ES2050), which, among other objectives, aims to exceed 65% of recovered waste. ES2050 is a roadmap that integrates very demanding objectives and commitments with high added value for the company and society as a whole, integrated into four lines of action: environmental, social, excellence and good governance.
The renewal of the collaboration between FCC Ámbito and Navantia is a recognition of the work carried out during this time and a significant step forward in the commitment of both companies to sustainability, as well as a challenge to achieve innovative and sustainable solutions that contribute to a cleaner and safer future.
FCC Ámbito is the subsidiary of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente specialising in the comprehensive management of industrial and commercial waste, recovery of by-products and decontamination of soil. It has a total of 39 treatment centres in Spain and Portugal, with more than 68 processing lines that guarantee the functionality of the facilities.
FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente backbones the FCC Group's environmental services, with more than 120 years of experience, and serves over 67 million people in close to 5,400 municipalities around the world. The company manages 24.7 million tonnes of waste and produces 4.8 million tonnes of secondary raw materials and refuse-derived fuel. The company boasts over 800 operational waste management facilities, of which more than 200 are environmental compounds performing waste management and recycling.