FCC celebrates the European Waste Prevention Week with the ATHOS solidary and sustainability initiative
FCC celebrates the European Waste Prevention Week with the ATHOS solidary and sustainability initiative

A move aimed at fostering solidarity and sustainability by collecting old clothes and electrical appliances. Contest to discover the most ‘efficient’ and ‘replicable’ 3R initiatives.
FCC Medio Ambiente is starting up its ATHOS (Spanish acronym meaning All Working Together For Sustainable Goals) initiative, a solidarity and sustainability project that forms part of the European Waste Prevention Week from the 19th to 27th November. The project aims to encourage re-usage of old clothing and unused electrical appliances from FCC work sites by undertaking actions to build awareness about the sustainable use of resources and waste management.
This initiative, which will be held between the 21st and 27th November at 19 work centres in 16 Spanish cities, seeks to encourage the charitable participation of FCC employees. In this regard, the company will install specific bins at work centres where members of staff can voluntarily drop off old clothing and small electrical and electronic equipment.
These items will be collected and prepared by various foundations - Cáritas, Ecolec, Ataretaco, Traperos de Emmaús, Fundabem and Porsiete – together with the local Social Economy and Charity Associations linked to the project for subsequent re-use and, where that is not possible, for recycling.
Parallel to this charitable action, during the course of the European Waste Prevention Week, FCC will stage a competition for the “most efficient” and “replicable” 3R initiatives within the circular economy, in which FCC employees can are able to participate individually by publishing a best practice to reduce, re-use or recycle waste that they have successfully implemented and which could be replicated. Prizes will be awarded to the three best initiatives in the areas of waste Reduction, Re-use and Recycling. The base criteria for assessing these initiatives take into account the quality of the contents, exemplarity, efficiency and replicability. Anybody interested in taking part in the contest can download a copy of the rules and the application form from the intranet or the FCC Group website.
This participatory awareness-building scheme directed by the company at all its stakeholders aims to enhance the SDG 13, one of the Sustainable Development Goals that form the United Nations’ Development Agenda to improve education, awareness-building and human and institutional capabilities in regard to mitigating climate change, adapting to it and reducing its effects, such as in this case with an initiative that encourages the Circular Economy.
FCC encourages its employees to stand out as ambassadors of exemplary environmental behaviour, key to the sustainable development of our services.
- Ver video Campaña de Recogida de Ropa y AEEs
- Ver video PREMIO “3R” a la mejor iniciativa de reducción, reutilización y reciclaje
- Ver formulario Concurso ATHOS
- Ver folletos Campaña Iniciativa ATHOS
- Ver presentación. “Nuestra contribución a los retos de la Agenda 2030”
- Links a nuestros grupos de interés